About me

Currently, I am an undergraduate in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), majoring in Data Science. Previously, I was fortunate to be a visiting student in University of California, Berkeley (UCB). I expect to receive my bachelor’s degree in 2024 and pursue a doctoral’s degree later. I am always passionate about computer vision, especially the problems towards open world. Besides that, i am also interested in 3D vision and robot learning currently. Hope to be committed to Embodied AI in the future!

Feel free to reach out and connect if there is a project or postion that you think I would be suitable for, or if you just want to say hi.

You can find my CV here: CV


09/2023: One paper on Domain Adaptation is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia!

01/2023: One paper on Open-Set Recognition is accepted by Information Science!